Monday, October 02, 2006

The Lone Skylinez – Season 3 – Episode 002: The Ride

Yes, we are into episode 2 of The Lone Skylinez. When the times come, I will do an episode of Sunny Skylinez on Season 5. So right now, pls bear with me =p.

On last Thursday, I attended an English course which is specially organized for overseas student like me. It will not be doing anything like low level English course, but focusing on how to write report in MSc level and doing some presentation as well. On the first day, he gave us an assignment which is to write a letter to John. Basically, he wants us to introduce our course and previous skill in the letter, but I neglect his request and I wrote a whole different letter which tells about a sci-fi series Stargate Atlantis…

-Credits Roll-

The Lone Skylinez
Main Cast
Vincent Joe Y. Tan
John Hin Fung Chan

Executive ProducerThe Producer

-END of Credit Roll-

I forgot to introduce the English lecturer. His name is John Mc…Mc…well, John Mc something la. He told me a joke that a letter says “Dear John” means a break-up letter usually send by a wife to a husband who is fighting a war far away. So you can say “Dear John Letter” to represent break-up letter. John also is use to represent client of a prostitute. Like “How many Johns you have served?”. As for Johnny, it stands for condom. “Are you wearing a Johnny?”. John also can be stands for toilet. Also, in London, people in the pub address their customer regularly as John, even though you are not John. =p.

I got my new library card last Tuesday. Well, it is a little different from the previous one but none the less, same. My bicycle was vandalized 5 months ago and I didn’t fix it. Right now, it is getting harder to cycle. The front brake gone, front and rear gears gone, rear tire bengkok a little. The only brake functioning is the rear. And each time I release the brake, the rear brake clamp fail to release the brake properly, which cost you tires to scratch with the brake, and you will find it very hard to paddle. I decided to get a new bike if the cost to fix is more then the cost of a new bike. The red circle indicates the damage of the bike.
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After I got the quote, it seems the new bike prize is much more reasonable. Here is my new ride. They say it cost me around 50 pound to fix while the new bike is 70. So I guess, I'll just spend 20 more pound for a new bike.
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On Saturday, me and John prepared Bak Kut Teh for dinner. Well, it was any hard to prepare as I have thought, just throw in the herb packet and adjust the taste by putting soy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, salt, and oyster sauce. Then when you put the pork meat into the sup, voila, you have Bak Kut The. In the picture, it seems I am getting out of shape. Haven’t joined the gym yet. A little lazy now a days. Maybe will join on Monday.

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Well, after this few occasions, it seems I have developed my interest in cooking and photographing again, which I have abandoned after the “Evil Within” incident 9 months ago. Good progress I guess. Still suffering from Memento syndrome nonetheless.

- The End -


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