Sunday, August 22, 2004

Unnatural Settings...

Grr…my desktop have been a total stranger to me now. Dunno why they have to make a very significant change to my beloved desktop. Now, my shortcuts, quicklaunch, folder views and all my “use to be setting” have been altered. This have cost a very significant decrement in my PRODUCTIVITY =p. Now, I have to rearrange back all my stuff. Let me tell you what I believe

[ALL people have their own beliefs and opinion. You have the right to tell them what you belief and your own opinion but you have NO right to FORCE other people to “see what you see”. Of course these statements have it own flaws, where I believe nothing is perfect. Where if you take this word deeply and rethink, you will see some flaws popping up. For example, what if I say “I believe that stealing is right and I don’t want to listen to your view on stealing is wrong”. That is one of the flaws. This is also relating back my own concept of YinYang where we got black and white. I relate this to YinYang because I believe that this picture represent BALANCE. This is my own interpretation of this YinYang diagram. YinYang consist of a black and white element. The black consist a white spot and the white consist a black spot. What I can see if, let say white is good guys and black are bad guys. I interpret it as “Among the bad guys, you have good guys and among the good guys, you have bad guys”. Now, try to use those words and relate back to my belief. But I am thinking that if we take everything neither too seriously nor too easily, it can be done. Well, this is still an ongoing journey…have fun.]

Still, I don’t think you all have the right to violate my desktop preferences and change it into your preference without my acknowledgement!!! Why u all have to change my desktop preferences, come back my original preferences….WAHHHHH!!!!


Blogger speechlessONE said...

hahaha... i'm the one change his folder viewing ` i'm so sorry about that, and i understand your belief, mastahhh`` XD it teaches me to think what other should think as mine. thanks =)

7:21 PM  

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